
August 31, 2021

Restaurant design create an ensemble of creativity, passion, and operational expertise

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” ― George Bernard Shaw Swiss Knife began its journey to become the go-to consultancy in the Food and Beverage business. We combine a highly reputed Swiss education in hospitality and service industries and the sharpness and multi-functionality of a Swiss knife. Every aspiring entrepreneur is …

Restaurant design create an ensemble of creativity, passion, and operational expertise Read More »

July 15, 2021

Restaurant business plan why are systems & procedures so crucial to your restaurant’s success?

Is owning a restaurant a life-long dream? Is your business your brainchild? Do you have an efficient team? Are you juggling several roles? You must be wondering why there are several questions. Well, owning a restaurant and running it successfully is no easy task. There can be a single owner, but a team must run …

Restaurant business plan why are systems & procedures so crucial to your restaurant’s success? Read More »